Legal notices




20123 Milan, Italy



Référence Digital Factory

5 rue Sala

69002 LYON, France


The Publishing Company strives to ensure to the best of its ability, the accuracy and updating of the information published on this Site, when it is posted online. However, we remind you that the Internet does not guarantee the security, availability and integrity of data transmitted and / or accessible on or via the Site. The Publishing Company is therefore not in a position to guarantee the accuracy, precision and / or exhaustiveness of the information made available on this Site and reserves the right to modify or correct the content and / or documents published. on this Site at any time and without notice.

Consequently, the Publishing Company declines all responsibility:

• For any interruption of the Site or the occurrence of bugs,

• For any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission relating to information available on the Site or via the Site,

• For any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party, including when this would lead to a modification of the information made available on the Site,

• And more generally for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, natures or consequences, caused by anyone's access to the Site or the inability to access it, as well as the use of the Site and / or the credit given to any information directly or indirectly coming from it.


To access certain features of the Site, you will have to fill in certain mandatory fields requiring in particular the provision of your email address. You acknowledge that the data you provide to us is accurate and constitutes proof of your identity. We thank you for informing us of any possible modification of these data.

Regarding the functionalities allowing you to express yourself and / or to publish and distribute certain content on the Site, we remind you that any comments or visuals of a pornographic, racist, violent, unfair, defamatory, malicious or obscene nature and more generally having for the purpose or effect of harming people or property or being contrary to any applicable regulations are strictly prohibited and may therefore be deleted at the discretion of the Publishing Company. We also invite you to notify us of any content that seems to you to be contrary to the regulations in force and / or the aforementioned principles, by contacting us at the following email address:

We remind you that you must hold all the rights and / or authorizations over the content (in particular photographs) that you intend to publish on the Site and this in particular for all the uses which may result therefrom and described herein. In this regard, we recommend that you do not publish content showing recent architectural elements, advertising creations or even creations whose brand may appear (acronyms, logos, etc.). We also inform you that content (in particular photographs) including minors will not be authorized on the Site. Furthermore, we remind you that you are not authorized to publish or distribute content belonging to a third party and / or on which a third party appears without their prior express authorization.

In addition, for each publication made by you on the Site, it is agreed that you hereby grant us a free, perpetual, irrevocable license for the whole world to use, copy, adapt, distribute, translate, create derivative works, integrate into other works, distribute the content of said publication (in whole or in part) on all media and this including on the Site. In this regard, you expressly authorize us to use the content on our own sites as well as those of the Group to which the Publishing Company belongs, but also on third party sites, and in particular on so-called “social” or “community” sites. In this context, you are informed and agree that the use of social networks is exclusively governed by the conditions of use established by said networks. Consequently, we cannot be held responsible for any use of your publications on the Site by ourselves or by third parties in accordance with the conditions of use established by social networks, and in particular, in terms of the scope of rights granted, duration of rights and deletion of content. The content you publish on the Site is therefore your choice and your exclusive responsibility.


The Site constitutes an intellectual work protected by intellectual property law.

Unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights on the documents contained on the Site and each of the elements created for this Site are the exclusive property of the Publishing Company or any other company of the Group to which it belongs, the latter not granting any license, no right of reproduction, distribution, or any right other than that of consulting the Site.

The brands, patents, logos, models, images, texts, photos, videos, graphic chairs, databases or other intellectual property rights mentioned on this Site are the exclusive property of the Publishing Company or are subject to authorization. use by the third party holder of the rights. No right or license can be granted on any of these elements without the written authorization of the Publisher and / or said third party.

Any representation, reproduction, adaptation, modification, in whole or in part, as well as any exploitation, of all or part of the Site or its content, by any means whatsoever, and on any medium, are prohibited without express written authorization. prior to the Publishing Company.

Violation of this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.


The hypertext links set up in the direction of other sites cannot engage the responsibility of the Publishing Company for the content of said sites. It is your care to exercise customary precautions with regard to this information.

The Publishing Company is not responsible in any way for the hypertext links that lead to this Site. The removal of a hypertext link may be required as soon as the indexing takes part in an illegal cause (parasitism, defamation, etc.).


The Site is set up by the Publishing Company and is governed by Italian law. Internet users accessing the site, regardless of where they are consulted, must ensure compliance with locally applicable laws. Any dispute that may arise regarding the application, execution and / or interpretation of the present and which could not have been the subject of an amicable solution beforehand, will be submitted, whatever its nature or its scope, to the Courts under the jurisdiction of the Milan (Italy), even in the event of a third party claim, a guarantee call or a plurality of defendants.


The Publishing Company reserves the right to modify or supplement these legal notices at any time and without notice. That's why we invite you to check them often.

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